Crack in Buildings – Expansion Joint

Preetham Builders one of the Best Builders in Madurai are developing Gated Community Luxury villas and flats.

This gated community ” BRINDAVAN HOMES ” is being developed in Kochadai Madurai, a fast developing area in Madurai.

With abundant water supply and green environments this gated community ” BRINDAVAN HOMES ” with individual buildings and Bungalows present a Resort like feelings.

Preetham Granite M.D addressed the gathering of engineers (Association of Madurai Civil Engineers) on Cracks in Buildings – Causes & Remedies at Hotel Weshtern Park ( 01.09.2016).


This consists of a pre-planned  break in the continuity of a structure or a component of a structure with a gap 6 to 40mm wide, depending upon the extent of movement expected and constructional details. The gapin some cases is filled with a flexible material which gets compressed under a pulling force. If there is a possibility of rain water penetrating through the joint, water bar or a sealant or a  protective cover or a suitable combination of these items is provided  depending upon the requirement in any particular situation width of expansion joint for jobs done in summer could be less than for those done in winter.



Fixing tiles with expansion joint:

tenting2 161


In case of framed- structures, roof slab, beams and columns move jointly causing diagonal cracks in walls which are located parallel to the movement, and horizontal cracks below beams in walls which are at right angle to the movement. Extent of movement in a framed-structure. However , is comparatively less because columns, on account of their stiffness and ability to take tension due to bending, are able to resist and contain the movement to some extent. Both in load-bearing as well as framed- structures, provision of adequate insulation or protective cover on the roof slab is very important in order to avoid cracks in walls.

Over flat roof slabs, a layer of some insulating material or some other material having good heat insulation capacity preferably along with a high reflectivity finish, should be provided so as to reduce heat load on the roof slabs


General Movement joints in structure are introduced so that unduly high stresses are not set up in any part of a structure and it may not develop unsightly cracks. When a joint permits expansion as well as contraction it is termed as expansion joint. When it allows only contraction, it is termed as control joint and when the joint permits sliding movement of one component over another it is termed as ‘slip joint’

H – Shaped Building:



 Rectangular Shaped Building:




E- Shaped Building with Recesses in Front Elevation:




Blocks Building in a Continuous Row with  Twin Walls at Junction:
