Preetham Sella Manickam Apartment @ Melapanangadi is a Fast Developing Area. Total Three Floor, Totally 6 Flats in apartment. Vastu Compliant, Peaceful and Healthy Environment, Bore water Freely available, Good Lighting and Ventilation, Schools and all basic needs are nearby this location. Ideal for living and best Investment option. Locatoin: PSM Apartment, Alli Malar Street, Ram Nagar, Bama Nagar, Opp to PSVR Mahal, Thapal Thanthi Nagar- Oomachikulam junction, Melapanangadi, Madurai. Upcoming Projects Preetham Villas @ Park Town Anandam Villas @ Thenur 1.Preetham Villas @ Park Town, Madurai. Three (3) Individual Villas Available @ Preetham…
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